lucian happily clutching his bobbin

Last fall Lucian received his own Saori sx60 loom because he absolutely loved weaving. And at the age of 6 years his enthusiasm is truly catching. His mom brought his loom over for some warping the loom help, Yes there were some broken threads but it is Saori weaving and they are welcome and not not mistakes. his mom has a saori loom loom as well, they were competing for the one loom, I wish every one had a child that wants to weave and competes for loom time!! As soon as the warp got tensioned, and i mean within seconds, he was saying can I weave now! He sat down and wove off three colors of yarn on some bobbins I had wound at the studio. Finely his mom had to practically pry the shuttle out of his hand with the promise that he could take the bobbin home and weave. As soon as he arrived home, That is exactly what he did. Happy weaving Lucian!
He does love his loom! Thank you, Jill. When he weaves, it brings him such deep pleasure and satisfaction. He told me that when his hands get tired at the loom, the feeling of his feet on the pedals keeps him going. We'll bring in his piece when finished.