I drafted a vest pattern for my husband a fitted vest and I used my Saori weaving to create it.
try on fit cut try on again …..
weave the back fabric cut bast try on again … it is a anniversary present
getting closer….. mark for buttons.
He recieved his vest a week early ….well he knew what is was anyway so why not! He Loves it !!!!
the buttons?
My husband and I made these stonewear buttons together decades ago when we were dating… in his ceramics class room where he taught when I was doing my student teaching… but thats a story for another blog…..
Lisa needed a refresher intensive in warping soooooooo she came for classes and started chosing any color yarn she desired for her new warp!
sucess the first day a brilliant 11 yard chained warp awaits tomorrows threading !
My student Antoinette finished the most awesome Saori pieces here is her jacket/coat for a submission to a show !she scheduled a time to come by for me to help her with the photographs so she could submit them .
the back of a short jacket
her dress
her lovely scarf!
Lisa is back today to thread her warp . here she is comfortably threading away from the loom with the Saori cross holder ( click here) that takes the place of holding the cross in ones hand and or lease sticks!
Antoinette wound some bobbins with the Clemes and Clemes double ended bobbin winder (click
Lisa after sleying her reed is threading her heddles with the Saori threading holder and the Saori threading hook and sley hooks threading hook here and sley reed threading hook SLEY HOOK HERE with it's special designed "push through" end.
Jennifer has a Saori loom but has recently ventured into the world of swedish looms and weaving on her glimakra standard loom. she stopped by to get some shuttles boat shuttles and show us her first weaving off of her loom in linen! curtains for her mother. it is not Saori but we can have "split weaving personalities "!
do recognize the yarn? It is my hand dyed bulky wool skeins from my solar dyeing the week before she bought a skein! she use a Saori black pre made cotton warp Saori premade warps here and wove till she ran out of yarn!
this is the yarn she bought that I dyed ….
a one pound ball wound ball on my NANCY'S KNIT KNACKS HEAVY DUTY BALL WINDER HERE
It looks almost Amish to me? Beautiful! she will cut the piece in half to make the blanket and crochet the sections together for the baby blanket.
mean while Lisa and I are beaming on her warp on her Saori inside set (click to read more what a inside set is.)
Lisa has a beautifully tension 11 yard hand wound warp she is taking home to weave on her saori 60 loom.
A beautiful warp!!!

Peaceful weaving and dyeing in the redwoods
Jill Nickolene Sanders