
Friday, April 26, 2024

April student 3 day learn to SAORI warp and thread . and a day of learning to spin art yarn.

  3 days of intensive learning at SAORI SANTA CRUZ. LaRayne learned sooo much last week!

first 2 days learn to wind a warp and make her own ready made warp.

day one blue's cotton warp.

love the saori free standing warping frame 

~~~~~~~~~~ day 2 white textures! wide and long filling the dividing rod i used a cardboard warp separator to cover the open dividing rod sections  till the cap can be slid on. 

using lease sticks to thread the heddles in the click KENZO SYSTEM HERE

Beaming on 

An example from a different warp  of  my hybrid threading the  heddles using  lease sticks and Kenzo System much easier laying the lease sticks on the threading shelf .


there were zero threading mistakes!


day 3 learning to spin art yarn on the SPINOLUTION FIREFLY WHEEL 16 OZ BOBBINS

Spinolution FIRE FLY WHEEL click here 

a wonderful 3 days! 

see saai's new scarf ( special needs autustic ) ocean colors beautiful  don't you think?


roopa has woven two scarves this past month 

New folding loom bags in my etsy shop Loom bag here
“ scouting at river fork trail”

peaceful weaving and spinning in the santa cruz redwood mountains

Jill N Sanders