My new comfort while I spin is this brand new chair
New at saori santa cruz
FROM SPINOLUTION it hits your back at just the place and the contoured sculpted seat check it out
spinolution New Studio chair click here IT ONLY TAKES TWO SCREWS PER LEG TO ASSEMBLE !
Nora is back for some ART YARN CLASSES
look how far she has come!
this her very own wheel that grand mother bought for her and wow she is learning fast! start them young 11 years old!
A new spinner came . she was given a older Ashfor traditional wheel with some things missing
and she wanted to learn how to use it.
then she plied her yarns on a louet wheel…..
since her wheel needed parts i ordered for her i let her spin on my ashford traditional
her wheel needed some work….
i fixed her wheel and oild it …. i told to put a wax on it to preserve the wood at home
here Jody is spinning on her own wheel sucess!!
meet Anita
she came all the way from Peru to study saori weaving with me!
learning to wind a warp
using the
…..and she did comfortably on the table taking it to the piccolo loom .
durning the class a new saori weaver came for a try it class ….
the next day Anita worked along side a 2 day zen weaving day student ….
… the mean time the zen day student is weaving beautiful cloth!
zen students weaving off the loom
trying on some of my Saori clothing….
giggles and happiness !
twisting fringes !
Anita's first weaving off the Saori piccolo
back to Anita's beautiful warp, threaded and now on the loom
she learned weaving tabs and now it's time to tie up the inside set and pack it for her flight back to Peru.
safe travels Anita
Francine and her new 4 h loom ( no longer in production)
Saori stopped making 4 h looms no longer available as it does not reflect the saori philosophy.
have fun Francine on your vacation with your new loom.
" how fun is this", say's two more try it class students
I am sooo amazed with with Saahiti my special needs student on the spectrum
she is doing amazing things progressing with her weaving on the SAORI CH60 LOOM click here
Jenifer brought her friend to learn how to warp and spend the day weaving
taking a break and weaving on the piccolo , she loves the piccolo!
Jill Nickolene Sanders