I thought I had 14 or 15 yds of warp on my loom, but it was only 11 yds. so i finished weaving my beach warp off the loom today. Took some photos . Tonight I will twist the fringe even though I may not use the fringe I like to always be prepared to let fringe present it's self in the design process . If it is twisted it is easier to wash and dry before I design and sew it. Tomorrow I will wind a new warp and dress the loom . Because I am 3 yards ahead of my yard a day for 30 days challenge then next day if I have time dress the loom and be back at weaving my yard a day again on friday. I may put back the warp I have been working on, I have about 5 yards left on it, as well because with saori looms you have the option of purchasing a" inside set" so you do not have to finish a weaving before starting new one. It only takes 10 mins. or less to put on your in progress warp back again on the loom.

the cotton and cellulose fiber beach colors saori weaving
Amazing! What will it be? I think a yard a day is awesome.