Day three at the studio was picking out the woven wefts out of her handwoven wool fabric for the twisted fringes hem. Karen's beautiful wool Saori woven fabric with her hand spun yarns as weft she brought to make into something… see what that something is that I helped her with .
We decided on a ruana.
Karen is still picking out the wefts so she can then twist hem fringes!
Antoinette threaded and sleyed her saori hat warp ….
Karen is using the battery fringe/cord twister. on her ruana fringe.. Lacis Fringe Twister here
Time for a break so we left the studio …...
……and we went for a walk in Felton at the Covered Bridge,
Then to Henery Cowel Redwoods State Park where we ate our burritos for lunch along the trail.with the majestic redwoods.
Back at the studio ….
Karen watched as I taught Antoniette how to beam on the Jill way. She loves it!
sewing tecniques, and stiches….
Mean time Antoinette is weaving her hat ( laid out on the deck is her saori scarf from last week).
Pressing is very importan as well and sewingt!
OMG it is done!!!!
I think Karen loves it!!! Didn't she do a marvelous creative job weaving her Saori wool warp ruana!, the weft is karen's hand spun yarns! It feels so soft.
Antoinette was weaving while we were on our walk she finished her yardage for the hat, so tomorrow she will braid the fringes.
off the loom,
Jill Nickolene Sanders
Such beautiful creations!!!!