
Friday, August 22, 2014

Kori's Saori hand woven wedding dress :Chapter 6

 Chapter 6 of Kori's saori wedding dress she designed while I helped and guided her… she has woven the fabric on her Saori Wx60 loom . Many of the weft yarns are hand spun and naturally dyed by Kori as well.  If you missed the first chapters you can visit the past posts in my blog menu listed on the left.

We basted and Kori sewed, and pressed, then  she sewed, and tried on,  and cut out and trimed and clipped , and then even more sewing , and even more pressing  …. Her hand woven Saori wedding dress is taking form and a few finishing area's have started to emerge….

What I have negleted to say is how intelligent , sweet, and creative Kori is. She has been so delightful and receptive and talented to teach. Her Fiancé Toby sounds wonderful too, BUT I  have to say he is Marrying a lovely bright gracious hard working amazing young woman and  he is very lucky!    

  The silk linning is partially sewn  in on the dress's  bodice.

and for the first time ever the dress gets to go home with Kori  on a hanger!

Peace through fibers
Jill Nickolene Sanders

1 comment:

  1. Astonishing to watch the process of creating such a one of a kind garment. Thanks for sharing Kori's day with us.


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