The mavens met at the beach friday for a fiber day. Our official 2nd annual maven fiber beach day.
I brought my book charka and the piccolo Saori loom. I got to weave about 10 mins. the rest of the day passers by and children flocked to try weaving..... so I spun cotton on my charka, because once I showed one or two how to weave and advance the warp they all kept teaching each other! i stayed close by for minor requests like, "can I change the color bobbin?"
I supplied a bag of pre wound bobbins in many colors for them to chose from,
Jon has been teaching jenny for the last 1 1/2 years to spin. she is now selling her yarn and not having to fold pizza boxes like she did for years for money which she hated.

A magical day many will never forget.
peaceful weaving
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