
Friday, July 22, 2011

Leila learns to weave at Saori Santa Cruz

Leila always wanted to learn to weave so she scheduled a introductory weaving class at the studio.
she lived in New Mexico before moving to Santa cruz and loves aqua and browns.
 she picked out her colors and wound her bobbins.

Leila studied Japanese and lived in Osaka for a year. She did not know saori headquarters are in Osaka!

I am always fascinated by  the color of yarn choices students make on there own. I lived in Arizona for 14 yrs. I was transported back to then and thoughts of native turquoise jewelry , high dessert flora, and clay pottery from her color choices. It is wonderful to be transported back in time  and fond memories just from the influence of colors.

Leila studies dancing, I think she has many artistic hidden talents........


Wow look at this, and LEILA never wove before!
"  I will be back to weave some more, this was GREAT"

peaceful weaving


1 comment:

  1. O! I love her color choices-- it is so calming and smooth-flowing. Love, Amber


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