Well we believe sheila found one of her" make a dozen in this style", The perfect fit shell .
Taking the time to learn the craft of sewing is very satisfying. Sheila is one of my sewing students who relishes her sewing time and has an amazing eye for fabrics used in unusual styles. This is for wearing under a jacket for the opera.
We are going to made a silk chiffon stole with the fabric scraps to wear with a nice black jacket. Warning chiffon is very difficult to handle and sew and takes quite a bit longer to complete.
This first shell is made of burned out silk chiffon lined with china silk. the watery feel of the design lends it self to the shell shape. I suggested a lining instead of facings, bias etc. that allows for a smoother well hanging fit. It is light as air, the fabric has a beautiful hand. Her next shell in the Que. is out of a Japanese cotton with a cotton batiste lining in a nice pomegranate red print. this one will be for casual wear.
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