
Friday, April 1, 2011

Taking Saori looms along ....... A NEW saori book

I have a new to me Subaru forester and here is a photo with just some of my saori looms loaded for a workshop. This shows 4 looms but I can pack 6 in it with room to spare for folding chairs, yarn and other things. There is a piccolo  floor loom loaded horizontal behind the front seats. The loom bags are my design and  they fit the Saori sx60 looms and the  smaller Saori piccolo loom. contact me for additional info (link:)   loom bags   It protects the warps and  the loom  .

my subaru packed with 3 sx60 looms and room for two more!

Two of the practical loom bags . upholstery fabric and a heavy duty full length zipper is  down one side,  some have a outer large pocket with velcro good for books, tools, shuttles bobbins etc..

Also a new Saori book came out this year. It is all in japanese but so wonderful.  The students who bought it are inspired by the beautiful color photos. $ 38 plus postage

 wonderful photos of saori studios in japan the color photos show how to use the saori equipment and looms like the warping frames, cross maker etc. in action . Misao jo's grand son , is the author . photos of unique clothing made from Saori hand woven cloth great photos of weaving techniques too.

   Hear is yet Another  saori book, this one with wonderful clothing design patterns . The studio copy is getting dog eared pages and much interest from students. It is all  in Japanese, however the informative diagrams  are easy to follow. You can plan your next warp and know how much yardage you will  need to weave and sew any one of 50 patterns  BOOK LINK
  The extensive diagrams and measurements are in metric but easy to convert,  for layouts cutting etc are very clear for the sewer with basic sewing skills. $40 plus postage

 more info at

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