Meet Stuart , she came for a week in november to learn how wind a warp, and use the Kenzo table top system and sew!
she chose the colors for her first warp for two saori hats she will weave on back at the Air B and B
heading to the lower teaching deck to wind a warp

sew caps
WIND A WARP for the 4 harness inside set for her to take back to home on east coast and a similar warp for a scarf to weave back in her room.
the saori kanzo table top system save your back!
one of hats finished
tied up and wrapped to take back in her luggage on the plane
DAY 6 FINISH the scarf!!!
finish threading a special saori limited warp on a 2 h inside set
what a full busy week. she wound 3 warps and threaded a 4th !
plus a jacket, an long vest, 2 hats, a scarf !!! yea!!!
busy with more students in late november
Brih showed me her latest weaving
she learned to threadf a black ready made warp on her new wx60 loom!
here he mother is helping assemble some things on it.
Saii is back to start a new scarf and take her finished scarf home...
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