I owned many rigid heddle loom brands and did not like them until i tried the Ashfords. for several years now i have enjoyed weaving using my hand spun art yarns and the 2.5 heddle on my looms.
recently i added a 32" rigid heddle with the freedom roller . the ASHFORD SAMPLE IT LOOM comes in 10" and 16" . many ask me " what is the difference between the 16" rigid heddle loom and 16" sample it loom? here they are side by side so you can see how much shorter the sample it loom is compared to the 16" rigid heddle loom
Here is my brand new 32" loom ready for me to put a finish on it still in the box
i used a can of Deft semi gloss and put on one coat , it was dry to the touch is 10 minutes ! so i brought it inside to assemble it …
trying out the warping pegs, they fit in nicely on the reverse side. took them off to warp and weave .
the 32" is assemble so i put it next to my 16" for comparisom. i adore the 16" size, but i wanted to try the 32" as well.
here is the 32" with a sample warp put on. can you see the red warps on the far left and right? that is to steady the heddle for beating other wise with narrower warps it is harder keep the fell line straight.
and here is the 32" on a rolling shelf with a scrap of lumber large enough to sit on top to hold the loom while i warp and weave
it allows you to use different muscles in your hands to advance the warps and loosen or tighten the knobs
a student trying out the ashford loom 32'
a class she learned on how to warp a rigid heddle loom
She did very well and had great time
while i am loving ASHFORD let me share my other favorite fibers and tools i have chosen
Ashford 100% space dyed cotton cones machine wash!
you can find it click here Etsy shop for ashford caterpillar yarn
and the whole crayon box of merino fiber 58 colors over 18 ozs. you can felt with it or c ard it to spin or use it in the weft for weaving!
58 color sample fiber box
how do i finish my weavings? i use Eucaln no rinse.
Euclan soak and wash to buy here
a student had a old joy1 ashford wheel she thought i could use to teach on that she was not using and she gave it to me.
i decided i wanted to fix it up it spun but had been neglected for years put a larger flyer on it . I ordered the flyer but getting the old rust rod and bearing off proved to be more of an ordeal because of the state of the wheel!
the parts i replaced
what i have discovered is that my loom bags i sew will fit and protect the ashford rigid heddle loom , this is the size for the piccolo and this is the 32" loom inside with lots of room for extra heddles and even a floor stand would come apart and fit inside ! here are the bags click this link to my etsy shop sewn loom bags my sewn loom bags fit the ashford rigid heddle looms too
while i am loving ASHFORD let me share my other favorite fibers and tools i have chosen
Ashford 100% space dyed cotton cones machine wash!
you can find it click here Etsy shop for ashford caterpillar yarn
and the whole crayon box of merino fiber 58 colors over 18 ozs. you can felt with it or c ard it to spin or use it in the weft for weaving!
58 color sample fiber box
how do i finish my weavings? i use Eucaln no rinse.
Euclan soak and wash to buy here
a student had a old joy1 ashford wheel she thought i could use to teach on that she was not using and she gave it to me.
i decided i wanted to fix it up it spun but had been neglected for years put a larger flyer on it . I ordered the flyer but getting the old rust rod and bearing off proved to be more of an ordeal because of the state of the wheel!
i ended up having to cut off the whrol and order new one as well as as bearing ! it took a few weeks for gathering the parts i needed, but itotally did it! here is the joy1 upgraded with the larger freedom flyer ! i put on a new drive band and tension cord... that is why i love Ashord,m you can take a over 20 year old wheel and upgrade it and totally save it because of how Ashford designs their products
I have a great folding Joy 1 wheel now spinning happily and the original flyer and smaller bobbins still fit it as well if i want to use them.
peaceful weaving in the redwoods
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