
Thursday, March 20, 2025

Saori santa cruz weaving and spinning classes

children love saori weaving . Jeremy wove a pokeman scarf! 


 twisting fringes on the newely finished scarf 

 proud boyloves his scarf

 saori looms are so user friendly  

ch60 loom here

how cute is that ! scarf weaving class about 5 hours 


Renu and her entire family came for  saori classes 

 meet  their son vedyut a nuro divergent on the spetrum 10 yr old. very bright. who Renu thought could benifit from saori weaving. and indeed he did!
thank you linda for suggesting your friends come to my studio, and for helping out your friends  too.

 the whole family came. what a treat! i loved seeing the different generations share time weaving
a fablous class  grand parents, aunties, uncles  ❤️


susan emailed me, she bought spinning wheel and needed to learn how to spin. i told her to bring it class and i would get her started.

 i started her on my ashford espinner3 wheel so she could learn how to use her hands and not worry about coordinating her feet to treadles 

 she was sucessful plying on  the ashford espinner but need more practice on the schacht wheel but she will pratice at home , she has the basics  down  now

learning how to skein off the bobbin 


Rebecca bought a saori piccolo 40 loom and came to pick it up and have a two  hour class 

she especially wanted to learn the saori art yarn maker  that works with the saori bobbin winder 

 she had a blast and loved it!

Becca loves the piccolo loom unfortunately  due to the manufacturers or the metal frames for saori looms they are being  discontinued  so if you are intrested buy right away contact me i have one left 


jennifer bought a ch60 loom and came to pick it up and learned how to thread a ready made saori warp in class  using the table top threading holder by saori 

janet came with her and wove too .

 what a cool weaving janet did !

 sucess it will go home threaded so when she puts her ch60 together just pop on the threaded inside ! good job no threading errors .

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what a lovely family 
meet Sonia, Lindsy, and Serena 

mom and 2 daughters  never wove before 

what a fun class!

 making such wonderful memories 



contact me for classes here