
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Saori LA Conference /workshop 3rd grade testing with Kenzo jo

Again , even with just 4 of us taking the Saori 3rd grade test, magical Saori hand woven clothing was being worn by every one !

Kenzo Jo shared a story earlier on in the week.
in 1989 Misao Jo came to the US and gave a speech in washington DC at a "very special arts festival" for people with disablities . After there presentation one audience member  came up to Misao after her speech and was so moved and said to her ,"make 1,000 instructors like you, and spread Saori out all over the all countries to make a better world".

 Misao Jo, the founder of Saori, wove this long banner which was draped around the library where we had the Saori works shops. So a bit of Misao was present , observing her weavers.

More  photos  of Misao's weaving banner

Here is Cheryl from Alabama taking her," on the loom" part of the test. There were 4 looms set up to test on on various skills needed to prepare the looms for weaving, weaving, folding, problem solving and design elements too.

 This is Janet from Canada, looking like we all did, durning the written test!
  Here you can see the various loom stations set up for our testing.
Laura durning her part of the test.

We were called up and Kenzo award us our certificates for passing the 3rd grade of saori weaving skills.
No one can fail, ( this is Saori remember )and the hands on part for me was the smoothest part and went quickly. I never have  been good at written tests, that was more difficult for me.

 With help from all the Japan group and wonderful conference  coordinator Mihoko we all passed!
The graduating photos from the 2012 Saori weaving conference work shop testing class !

Kenzo said to us after giving us our certicicates," now you too are part of the goal of the thousand Misao's teaching Saori weaving through out the world."

"we do not  weave a piece of cloth, but rather ( weave) our true selves".... Misao Jo

Misao is 99 yrs old and weaves every day.

Jill Nickolene Sanders

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Final day of the Saori LA workshop 2012

I call this a nuts a bolts  SAORI day with inspiration. Basics and a review of threading the premade warps. very mellow.

Kenzo Jo showing threading the Saori pre made warps.
weaving squares.
 Remember from yesterday the sewing I did for Laura's  designed by Masko cute top? TA DA. here she is!

 While talking about clothes here is the SAORI Japan conference team, in all there lovely saori clothing.

 The weft threads in some parts are stretchy elastic yarns.

Here is laura in her superb top 

 Kenzo wound a cord with some coned cotton and the bobbin winder ,to tie the sw60 for travel.

Securing the the front and back beams.

who is the silly fellow?
thank you Laura , Mihoko , and the Japan team, Kenzo, Akiko, masako, toshiko, chikako, keiko for a wonderful
conference and work shop week!

Jill Nickolene Sanders

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Saori weaving workshop day 1 with Kenzo Jo

There is so much  valuable amazing information to share with todays work shop with Kenzo Jo that I will highlight and keep  it moving.

love the undulating morphed warp. Kenzo showed us how to do this .

 no reed, and beat with your shuttle! amazing

 Julie is having a go.

 Masako draped a lovely tunic on Laura yesterday and here is Laura, our conference and workshop host in this fantastic Saori tunic!

 Threading using the crossholder and threading holder,

 Masako draping some of laura's yardage saori pieces to make a top.

 beaming on basics.

 plying yarn using the Saori weaving loom 's bobin winder and twisting two yarns time one direction  in then in another directions for  a "MORIE" effect.
 julie tring on my hooded vest.

 Laura having  another fitting, masako is a frickin genius !

 making pleats.

 All pinned on , it looks fantastic! NOTHING LEFT BUT TO SEW IT. Laura had her sewing machine but could not sew it i brought her machine and tunic back to the hotel where i sewed it up for her!

Fantastic  California license plated I saw on the way to the workshop this morning!
wishing you much laughter this week and always.
peaceful weaving

Jill Nickolene Sanders