happiness is taking home two finished garments
Linda is showing me her Saori fabric she brought to sew. there is hand hand spun and some thurms and many wonderful textures creating a one of a kind pallet!
a brief break upstairs in the spinning studio
there are many models of wheel to try in the studio. some models in stock others i can order and have shipped to you within a couple of weeks
in less than 2 hours linda had a beamed on first warp scarf lenght to take home !
she chose lovely colors of yarns !
and here is the warp wraped and ready to take home . she can thread it when ever she wants ! she made her own ready made warp!
laying out her fabric for a long asymmetrical vest piecing in the saori way!
the sewing the pieces together
" I love it already"!!!
and it fits and drapes beautifully!
essential !pockets!
the runway walk!
classes are scheduled SAORI SANTA CRUZ CLASS LINK ( email me )
there is a vent/ overlap on the right side back
taking a break….learning a new art yarn spinning tecnique
inbetween warping and sewing
nwinding her second warpnback to front kenzo method.
all tied up in a bundle to go home with her to hang on her loom in ten minutes and weave!
there is a story attached to this second hand woven yardage Linda brought! normally i do not teach with hand woven fbric that looks like a machine could have woven it not a saori philosophy piece ...
but i was up for a challenge .
this pices was woven in a traditional weaving class on a traditional loom. she took.
the instructor was teaching the classic bog top class (where it is a basic retangle with a opening woven it so there is little sewing .)
the square you see was waste yarn to be pulled out and the warp threads then used for a small row of fringe at the square neckline.
the weaving is the opposite of saori philosphy be "bold and adventurous " and " human not machines"!
i was under no obligation to use it but i twisted fringes and threw it in the washer in hot and the dryer to shrink it and hope that it would give the piece some texture.
linda said the original instructors design for the bog top top would have been unflattering on her and probably to small as well… she really did not expect to make anything from it just wanting any my thoughts if it could be utalized at all…
i felt like Scarlet O'Hara in' gone with the wind' taking her draperies and creating a dress from them… i was on a mission!
i decided i was up for the challenge
here is the yardage before ( but after i washed and dried it) to me the most intresting thing about the whole yardage was the square (that was supposed to discarded!)
no way! i love that part !
seveal muslins linda tried on whould have worked but there was how long did we actually have to send on making it ?
there were time restraints… could we do it? and make something interesting ?
piecing the back in the SAORI WAY! i actually chose a muslin she had pull out and liked for her other fabric but we did not use that style. and we had just enought fabric to try it!
featuring the fringes piecing for interest here is how i solved boredom !
on lower right hand side front i has a piece of saori weaving of hers from a sample she wove and brought . it is at the hem line and gives it interest . 
we featured the square on the left lower front placment.
it is cotton and has a seersucker appeal to it! we be cool for summer layering! did we suceed?
time to learn some weaving tecniques
IT fit her perfectly.. and it went home with her!
PEACEFUL WEAVING, SPINNING, SEWING in the redwood mountians of california
Jill Nickolene Sanders